Research is one of the pillars of Zayer’s activity. We understand that a company must always look to the future and, if possible, anticipate what will come. That is why we participate in the R + D + i eusk-ADDI project, within the 2014 ETORGAI program on Additive Manufacturing, a manufacturing concept that for many people is the new industrial revolution.

But what is the Additive Manufacturing? According Addimat, the Spanish Association of Additive Manufacturing Technologies and 3D, this technique allows the transformation of ideas without many restrictions or intermediate steps in components and finished products. It is high accuracy manufacturing by selective fusion of material layers that is done without tools, starting from CAD files. Thanks to this system it is possible to overcome the limits of conventional manufacturing on part geometry.

ADDIMAT was born last December in San Sebastián and several companies are involved, including ZAYER (one of the founding partners).

The EUSK-ADDI project is divided into several work packages in which we develop different activities with other companies and organizations like AERNNOVA, GESTAMP, TECNALIA TEKNIKER, UPV-EHU, GORATU, AMONDARAIN, ONA, FAGOR, AOTEK, GNC and AyS .

Additive Manufacturing technologies are already used in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, jewelry, art, textiles and medical